Installing fonts on an Ubuntu box is pretty easy. I used a terminal to do all the stuff. Given below is the procedure which Linux newbie's can use to install new fonts in an easy manner :)
- Find the truetype font you like and download the .ttf file.
- Save anything you are working on and close all open applications.
- Open your terminal of choice. On default Ubuntu installations the gnome-terminal is available under the main Applications>Accessories menu. Type or copy+paste the following and then enter your superuser/sudo password:
sudo nautilus /usr/share/fonts/truetype - Go back to the truetype .tff font files you downloaded and wish to install. Select and copy (ctrl+c) them to the clipboard.
- Paste (ctrl+v) the truetype .tff font files into the newly opened nautilus window.
- Close the nautilus window.
- Return to the terminal. Type or copy+paste the following into the terminal and then enter your superuser password (if requested). Note: This step is important.
sudo fc-cache -f - Allow your computer a few minutes to rebuild the fonts cache. A new terminal line with your username prompt will appear when the fonts cache is rebuilt.
even a noob knows that !!