Friday, August 14, 2009

Installing New Fonts in Ubuntu

Installing fonts on an Ubuntu box is pretty easy. I used a terminal to do all the stuff. Given below is the procedure which Linux newbie's can use to install new fonts in an easy manner :)
  1. Find the truetype font you like and download the .ttf file.

  2. Save anything you are working on and close all open applications.

  3. Open your terminal of choice. On default Ubuntu installations the gnome-terminal is available under the main Applications>Accessories menu. Type or copy+paste the following and then enter your superuser/sudo password:

    sudo nautilus /usr/share/fonts/truetype

  4. Go back to the truetype .tff font files you downloaded and wish to install. Select and copy (ctrl+c) them to the clipboard.

  5. Paste (ctrl+v) the truetype .tff font files into the newly opened nautilus window.

  6. Close the nautilus window.

  7. Return to the terminal. Type or copy+paste the following into the terminal and then enter your superuser password (if requested). Note: This step is important.

    sudo fc-cache -f

  8. Allow your computer a few minutes to rebuild the fonts cache. A new terminal line with your username prompt will appear when the fonts cache is rebuilt.
This makes the font usable from any application installed on your Ubuntu box.